The objective of this work is to (1) understand contracture etiology and (2) identify which periarticular soft tissue(s) are the primary cause of motion loss in our rat model of elbow contracture.
Joint Mechanics
Muscle Mechanics & Morphology
Joint Surface Histology
Male/Female Comparison
Lateral Collateral Ligament Mechanics
Joint Histology
Histology showed that the anterior capsule in our rat model of elbow PTJC exhibited morphological changes similar to the human condition (e.g., hypercellularity and increased adhesions and thickness). Scored in collaboration with Dr. Necat Havlioglu.
Grip Strength
Ectopic Calcification
Sequential Dissection Mechanics
Injured and control forelimbs were tested in flexion-extension in three conditions (i.e., full, no muscle, no muscle/capsule) to determine the contribution of the periarticular soft tissues to overall joint contracture after immobilization and free mobilization.
Muscle Genetic Expression
Tissue Biochemistry
Collagen Crosslinks
9. Reiter AJ, Schott HR, Castile RM, Cannon PC, Havlioglu N, Chamberlain AM, Lake SP: Females and males exhibit similar functional, mechanical and morphological outcomes in a rat model of post-traumatic elbow contracture, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, In press.
8. Reiter AJ, Kivitz, GJ, Castile RM, Cannon PC, Mills EH, Jacobs BY, Allen KD, Chamberlain AM, Lake SP: Functional measures of grip strength and gait remain altered long-term in a rat model of post-traumatic elbow contracture. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 141(7):071001, 2019.[PubMed]
7. Dunham, C.L., H. Steenbock, J. Brinckmann, A.J. Reiter, R.M. Castile, A.M. Chamberlain and S.P. Lake. Increased volume and collagen crosslinks drive soft tissue contribution to post-traumatic elbow contracture in a rat model. Journal of Orthopaedic Research (2020): 1-11.
6. Dunham, C.L., R.M. Castile, A.M. Chamberlain and S.P. Lake. The role of periarticular soft tissues in persistent motion loss in rat model of post-traumatic elbow contracture. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 101, no. 5 (2019): e17.
5. Dunham, C.L., A.M. Chamberlain, G.A. Meyer and S.P. Lake. Muscle does not drive persistent post-traumatic elbow contracture in a rat model. Muscle & Nerve 58, no. 6 (2018): 843-851.
4. Dunham, C.L., R.M. Castile, N. Havlioglu, A.M. Chamberlain and S.P. Lake. Temporal patterns of motion in flexion-extension and pronation-supination in a rat model of post-traumatic elbow contracture. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 476, no. 9 (2018): 1878-1889.
3. Dunham, C.L., R.M. Castile, A.M. Chamberlain, L.M. Galatz and S.P. Lake. Pronation-supination motion altered in a rat model of post-traumatic elbow contracture. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 139, no. 7 (2017): 071011.
2. Dunham, C.L., R.M. Castile, N. Havlioglu, A.M. Chamberlain, L.M. Galatz and S.P. Lake. Persistent motion loss after free joint mobilization in a rat model of post-traumatic elbow contracture. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 26, no. 4 (2017): 611-618.
1. Lake, S.P., R.M. Castile, S. Borinsky, C.L. Dunham, N. Havlioglu and L.M. Galatz. Development and use of an animal model to study post-traumatic stiffness and contracture of the elbow. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 34, no. 2 (2016): 354-364.